Our Services




Microdermabrasion is a minimally invasive procedure used to renew overall skin tone and texture. The procedure uses a special applicator with an abrasive surface to gently sand away the thick outer layer of the skin to rejuvenate it. microdermabrasion is the process of using tiny crystals to exfoliate the skin and then drawing out debris and impurities with suction. It uses no chemicals. The procedure removes the dead and dry outer layer of the skin’s surface to reveal fresh, healthy skin underneath. It rejuvenates the surface, resulting in a brighter complexion. Microdermabrasion is considered a safe procedure for all skin types.

  • Improve age spots and blackheads

  • Improve hyperpigmentation (patches of darkened skin)

  • Exfoliate your skin, resulting in a refreshed appearance

  • Reduce fine lines and wrinkles

  • Reduce or eliminate enlarged pores

  • Treat acne and the scars left by acne

There is little to no downtime after microdermabrasion. You should be able to resume your daily activities immediately

You can expect to see noticeable results immediately after the procedure. The number of microdermabrasion sessions needed will depend on the severity of your skin concerns as well as your expectations.



Hydradermabrasion is a gentle and effective exfoliating treatment that uses the jet peel machine to distribute air and water at a high speed. The treatment works to drain your lymphatic system, removing any toxins and exfoliating your skin. Dead skin cells and blackheads are removed, while fine lines and wrinkles are smoothed out and a plumping effect is given to the skin. After the exfoliation, clients can opt to have a vitamin infusion sprayed into the skin through the jet peel machine to give the skin an extra boost. The treatment is effective but gentle, making it suitable for all skin types, including sensitive and dry skin.



This procedure is a manual exfoliation treatment that removes the outermost layers of dead skin cells, leaving the skin immediately smooth, supple, and vibrant. A surgical scalpel is utilized to gently remove the natural build-up that occurs on the surface of your face. Once the exfoliation is done the patient will enjoy the benefits of having no villus hair (aka peach fuzz) on the front and better skincare product penetration and performance.

  • The procedure is entirely painless with no required downtime following treatment, ensuring that you can jump back into your daily life with an extra glow.

  • Dermaplaning is especially great for patients with sensitive skin and pregnant women looking for a deeper cleanse of their skin.

  • Skincare products and other treatments will be even more effective after removing the dead skin layer.

  • Makeup applications will be smoother and more even.

  • The hair removed will not grow back thicker and darker.

  • Post-inflammatory scars from previous acne can be significantly lightened in appearance.



Micro/Hydra is a minimally invasive procedure used to renew overall skin tone and texture. The procedure uses a special applicator with an abrasive surface to gently sand away the thick outer layer of the skin to rejuvenate it. is the process of using tiny crystals to exfoliate the skin and then drawing out debris and impurities with suction. It uses no chemicals. The procedure removes the dead and dry outer layer of the skin’s surface to reveal fresh, healthy skin underneath. It rejuvenates the surface, resulting in a brighter complexion. Micro/hydra is considered a safe procedure for all skin types.

  • Improve age spots and blackheads

  • Improve hyperpigmentation (patches of darkened skin)

  • Exfoliate your skin, resulting in a refreshed appearance

  • Lessen the appearance of stretch marks.

  • Reduce fine lines and wrinkles

  • Reduce or eliminate enlarged pores

  • Treat acne and the scars left by acne

Gentle skin exfoliation with a hydro-solution treatment

  • Vacuum massage and lymphatic drainage

  • Extraction of oil, blackheads, and damaged skin cells

The Final Touch!!
The Oxygen Infusion & Skin Hydration Therapy

Oxygen infusion is the splendid final touch to the Treatment. Once finished with the Hydro Dermabrasion Treatment, the Oxygen Infusion system will infuse the skin with immense hydration and restoration. Any residing irritation or redness will be eliminated. Additional benefits include an increased youthful appearance, smooth skin, and accelerated hydration for a brighter complexion.

  • Powerful technology boosts the absorption of nutrients

  • A glowing finish with NO irritation

  • Accelerated hydration

Oxygen Therapy


This treatment is designed to nourish your skin and promote collagen growth. It involves a machine that is used for spraying highly concentrated molecules of oxygen right into your epidermis (the outer layer of your skin). The oxygen that’s applied to your face and neck is infused with vitamins, minerals, essential nutrients, and botanical extracts. for smoother and plumper skin.

Oxygen facials are said to combat visible signs of aging linked to poor conveyance of oxygen from subcutaneous capillaries to the surface of the skin. They address the deficiency by delivering highly concentrated oxygen molecules directly to the epidermis. A stream of high-pressurized oxygen infused with botanical, vitamin, mineral, and nutrient extracts is applied to the face and neck. The oxygen absorbs the moisturizing agents into the skin for a smoother, plumper look, providing a healthy glow.

Oxygen is suggested to strengthen skin’s elasticity and help eliminate acne-causing bacteria, as well as reduce fine lines and wrinkles, even out skin tone, and diminish pores.

Many people who experience the non-surgical oxygen facial treatment see an immediate change in their appearance.



Rezenarte facial treatment uses Nanotechnology to temporarily create micro-channels in the skin’s surface, allowing products and nutrients to be deeply penetrated into the dermal layer where collagen stimulation happens. It increases hydration by plumping the cells, minimizes fine lines and wrinkles, improves tone and texture, and tightens the skin. The facial uses our proprietary customized and infused medical ingredients to target specific conditions like hyperpigmentation, oily skin, anti-aging, breakouts, dry skin, and more. The Rezenerate NanoFacial is non-invasive and causes no pain. It is a cosmetic facial, NOT a medical procedure. 

For improvements on specific indications, it is recommended to get a Rezenerate NanoFacial every 14 days or so. For regular skin care maintenance, please speak with one of our trained experts to determine the regime that is best for you! Each person’s skin is unique and will require different care for the best possible results.



"If you're looking for a non-invasive skin rejuvenation treatment, micro-needling may be the perfect option. Also known as collagen induction therapy, micro-needling uses tiny needles to create microscopic punctures in the skin. These punctures stimulate the body's natural healing process, leading to the production of new collagen and elastin.

The benefits of micro-needling are numerous, including: -Reducing the appearance of acne scars -Improving the texture and tone of the skin -Reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles -Minimizing the appearance of hyperpigmentation -Improving the appearance of stretch marks

The procedure is relatively quick, taking around 30 minutes to complete and has minimal downtime. It is also safe for all skin types and can be used on the face, neck, and body.

chemical Peel

A chemical peel is a type of skin resurfacing treatment that uses a chemical solution to remove the outer layers of dead skin. They are often combined with other cosmetic procedures to treat wrinkles, uneven skin tone, and skin texture by stimulating skin cell turnover. As a result, it corrects skin discoloration, unclogs pores, and gives the skin a vibrant glow. There are different strengths and types of chemical peels that will determine how deep the peel will penetrate the skin and its subsequent effects. This controlled injury to the skin is what facilitates the peeling of the skin, and allows for improvements in skin texture, acne, acne scars, sun damage, lines, wrinkles, and pigmentation.

As always, we recommend coming in for your free consultation to determine which treatment will be best suited for you. Each person’s skin is unique, and we want to make sure that you receive the best possible experience for you and your body. Speaking with one of our licensed estheticians ensures that you’ll experience excellent results and leave with happy, glowing skin.

Rf skin tightening

Radiofrequency treatment is a type of energy-based treatment that utilizes a combination of light and thermal energy to heat key tissues beneath the skin surface and incite the body’s natural regenerative abilities. Specifically, the thermal energy used in radiofrequency treatments stimulates the amount of blood flow beneath the surface of the skin, which in turn encourages the sub-dermal layers of skin to increase collagen and elastin production.

Radiofrequency is a non-invasive treatment that is performed with the use of a handheld treatment device. During treatment, the handheld device is moved over the skin while thermal energy sinks into the sub-dermal layers of the skin and kickstarts the body’s natural regenerative response. The fact that this treatment is non-surgical and painless is one of many reasons why radiofrequency is a gold standard treatment in cosmetic clinics across the country. Radio Frequency treatment for skin tightening is an exceptionally gentle treatment that freezes the signs of aging and loose skin and even helps turn back the clock. RF face lifting can address full-face concerns such as sagging eyes, wrinkles, forehead, cheeks, jowls, neck (turkey neck or double chin), or full face.


$35/15 min
Electrolysis hair removal is the only method approved by the FDA for permanent hair removal. It does require multiple sessions to achieve the best possible results. Electrolysis destroys hairs by gently delivering a minor electric current to the base of the hair follicle through a very fine needle. This is done through the natural opening of the hair follicle, destroying the hair growth tissue and substantially eliminating the hair. If you have blond, white, grey, and peach fuzz hair, a combination of laser and electrolysis treatments may be the right solution for you. We offer free consultations to understand your needs and determine the right solution for you. Most areas of the body can be treated with electrolysis, including the eyebrows, face, abdomen, thighs, breasts, and legs. There are generally no permanent side effects, but sometimes a temporary, slight reddening of the skin may occur.


Many factors influence hair growth, so you will need to return for several electrolysis visits. The total number of sessions needed to remove hair permanently from a particular area will vary from person to person. Most clients return once a week or every other week as needed. But the unwanted hair will be gone forever once the series of treatments is complete. Each treatment lasts between 15 minutes and one hour.

Lash lift and tint

Lash lifts and tints are a great way to enhance your appearance and give your lashes a more youthful look. we offer both a Lash Lifting and Lash Tint Home Service to help you achieve the look you desire.

Lash lift involves curling the lashes and adding definition with a perming solution. The treatment can last up to 4 weeks. It is a great way to enhance your appearance and give your natural lashes a more youthful look. By lifting and curling the lashes, the treatment can give you a more open and bright-eyed look. Lash lift is perfect for those who want to achieve a natural-looking lash enhancement without using mascara eyelash LIFTING and tint

1. Lash cleansing- We will cleanse the lashes to remove any dirt, makeup, or oil.
2. Lash Perming- We will apply a perming solution to the lashes and place them on rods.
3. Lash Neutralizing- We will neutralize the perming solution and remove the Lash Lift rods.
4. Lash Conditioning- We will apply a conditioning serum to the lashes.

Preparing for a lash lift

If you are considering a lash lift, it is important to prepare properly before the procedure. Here are some tips:

- Avoid wearing any contact lenses during a lash lift service.

- Make sure your lashes are clean and free of any makeup or oil.
- If you have had any lash extensions applied, please make sure they are removed at least 1 week before your Lash Lift appointment. LASH TINT

Lash Tinting is a great way to enhance the look of your lashes and create definition. Lash tint is a great way to enhance the look and create a definition for your eyes. Lash tinting is a process in which a dye is applied to your eyelashes, darkening them and making them look fuller. The results can last for 6-8 weeks. Lash tinting is a quick, easy way to make lashes look fuller and more defined.

Lash Tint is often paired as a service after your lash lift. Together, your eyes and natural lashes are immediately enhanced and the results are natural and beautiful.

Teeth whitening

Fast, Easy, and Effective

For many of us, our lifestyle and the aging process have left us with years of unwanted discolorations on our teeth. In addition to smoking, drinking coffee, wine, sodas, or even tea are some of the many habits that will contribute to discolored teeth.

our teeth whitening treatment is a 30-minute in-office teeth whitening system. uses fast and effective technology This allows the jaw to remain relaxed and comfortable throughout the treatment. This procedure includes the use of an LED accelerating light that helps to activate the gel’s whitening ingredients at a faster rate, resulting in a brighter smile and whiter teeth in less time. As part of your procedure, you will also receive a take-home maintenance pen to further extend your new brighter smile! No Sensitivity

Patients experience ZERO sensitivity while using our Whitening treatment to be an effective, affordable, and pain-free treatment. Our process doesn’t require uncomfortable prep time or the use of gingiva blocking or retractors. silicon whitening tray which keeps oxygen off the teeth during the process and allows the gel to maintain its efficacy longer without zingers or burns.

Light Therapy

$59/20 min

Just like plants, our skin and body tissues have the ability to absorb light and convert it into energy. LightStim LED light therapy delivers light energy in a similar way plants absorb light energy from the sun. LightStim emits UV-free, beneficial light energy to the skin.  Each LightStim product uses different wavelengths, or colors, of light. When this beneficial light is applied directly to the skin it can reduce fine lines and wrinkles, temporarily increase blood circulation, and treat mild to moderate Acne. 
As a stand-alone treatment or as an add-on, LightStim LED accelerates the skin’s recovery from sun exposure, poor habits, and environmental free radicals which cause premature aging. This 20-minute treatment stimulates collagen production, minimizes the appearance of pores, fine lines, and wrinkles as well as tones the skin. LightStim LED also produces increased blood circulation to produce radiant and glowing skin. Results are immediate with no downtime.

Treats and prevents: 

- Acne (blue light): Acne breakouts occur when our glands produce an excess amount of sebum (oil), clogging pores and allowing bacteria to grow. This excess bacteria forms pustules or acne on the skin's surface. Blue light destroys acne-causing bacteria helping to clear existing breakouts in order to give you visibly improved healthy-looking skin.

- Anti-aging (red light): As we age, our skin loses its plump, youthful appearance allowing fine lines and wrinkles to form. LightStim for Wrinkles provides rejuvenating wavelengths of light energy to treat your fine lines and wrinkles.

• Minimizes the appearance of pores, fine lines, and wrinkles

• Can help optimize skin function

• Tones the skin

• Calms and reduces redness

• Works synergistically with other treatments and ingredients for better results

• Produces a radiant glow

• Increases blood circulation

• Accelerates recovery

• Destroys acne bacteria


Laser Hair Removal

With Laser Hair Removal. hair follicles are destroyed with minimal discomfort. Using highly concentrated energy, hair follicles are targeted and pulses of light are emitted. The laser's energy is attracted to the pigment of the hair, the same way sunlight is attracted to darker clothing. For this reason, laser hair removal works best on those with dark, coarse hair and a fair complexion. However, people without this combination can still get great results. we offer multiple types of lasers to treat a variety of skin types and complexions, including those with darker skin tones. Everyone's skin is different, which is why we will customize your treatment package during your FREE consultation to ensure you achieve the best results possible.

The GentleYag laser is the fastest, most powerful laser on the market today. The GentleYag laser effectively treats all skin types. Darker skin as well as minimally tanned skin can be treated safely and effectively. The GentleYags’ 1064nm wavelength, multiple spot size, variable pulse durations, and patented cryogen cooling system (DCD) allow for clients to be treated safely and comfortably year-round. The GentleYag’s unique capabilities offer freedom, comfort, and safety while treating hair, for a permanent reduction.

The GentleLASE hair removal laser Candela generates long pulses of laser light in the near-infrared wavelength range (755 nanometers) to thermally affect the hair follicle. This infrared wavelength targets the naturally occurring light absorption properties of your hair. All light-based hair removal devices generally differ in their choice of wavelength, pulse duration, power, fluence, spot size, and/or skin cooling method. These characteristics are important and can influence the safety and efficacy of the treatment.
leave with happy, glowing skin.
Even tanned or darker skin types are candidates for laser hair removal with advanced laser technology. And we can treat patients year-round.

If you’re ready to ditch the razors or don’t want to go through another round of waxing book a free consultation to meet with one of our laser specialists.

Rf Cellulite Treatment

$165 per area

Viora cellulite treatment uses a combination of radio-frequencies and vacuum therapy. Viora uses Channeled Optimal Radio-Frequency Energy (CORE) technology to heat subcutaneous tissue layers, which stimulates collagen production and strengthens the dermis. The stimulation of collagen tightens and smooths the skin and reduces the appearance of cellulite.
Radiofrequency treatment is a type of energy-based treatment that utilizes a combination of light and thermal energy to heat key tissues beneath the skin surface and incite the body’s natural regenerative abilities. Specifically, the thermal energy used in radiofrequency treatments stimulates the amount of blood flow beneath the surface of the skin, which in turn encourages the sub-dermal layers of skin to increase collagen and elastin production. Radiofrequency is a non-invasive treatment that is performed with the use of a handheld treatment device. During treatment, the handheld device is moved over the skin while thermal energy sinks into the sub-dermal layers of the skin and kickstarts the body’s natural regenerative response. The fact that this treatment is non-surgical and painless is one of many reasons why radiofrequency is a gold standard treatment in cosmetic clinics across the country. Radio Frequency treatment for skin tightening is an exceptionally gentle treatment that freezes the signs of aging and loose skin and even helps turn back the clock.

What is Infrared Therapy?  Infrared heat is part of the invisible light spectrum from the sun. 54% of the suns output is Infrared. Humans and all warm blooded animals emit Infrared heat. Infrared is a beneficial and essential form of energy. Infrared

Fit Body Wrap

$75 60min

What is Infrared Therapy?

Infrared heat is part of the invisible light spectrum from the sun. 54% of the sun’s output is Infrared. Humans and all warm-blooded animals emit Infrared heat. Infrared is a beneficial and essential form of energy. Infrared works by heating an object, such as your body, without heating the free air surrounding it. When you are standing outside on a cloudy day, yet your body still feels warm, that heat is coming from the sun’s Infrared rays. Infrared is extremely beneficial for the human body and can help with a wide range of conditions.

How does Infrared create calorie burn?

When using the FIT Bodywrap your body goes through a process called Thermoregulation. This is the process of your body fighting to cool your core temperature down, while the infrared is fighting to heat it up. During this process, your body is using energy to fight back. That burned energy is also burned calories. One hour in the FIT Bodywrap treatment can burn up to 1,400 calories.


  • Detoxification

  • Relaxation

  • Weight loss

  • Pain management for muscles, joints, and bones

  • Cellulite reduction

  • Skin purification

  • Reduced blood pressure

  • Improved circulation

  • Pain reduction for arthritis

  • Alleviates stress, stiffness, cramps, or discomfort

  • Reduces water retention and bloating

  • Promotes quality sleep

  • Strengthened immune system

  • Rapid Muscle Recovery

The Treatment:

The treatment for the FIT Bodywrap depends on the client’s desired results. If using the FIT Bodywrap for an initial detox, pain management, and calorie burn, we suggest using it 1 -2 x per week for 4 weeks. The FIT PVC Gown will help increase the benefits of body wrap by maximizing the effects of infrared rays.

How to prepare for your FIT Bodywrap treatment/Tips:

  • Make sure you are hydrated! Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your treatment

  • No make-up is suggested – You will be very sweaty.

  • Prepare to be very hot and to sweat out toxins

  • For best results: Use our Infrared slimming, detoxing, and cellulite reduction products

Our Menu

We are committed to providing you with the latest laser technology and the most effective laser hair removal treatments at an affordable price. We use only FDA-approved laser machines that are the best in the industry, and that serve both men and women with all skin types.